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Thursday, November 6, 2014

Relaxing with Changes in Health

Relaxing with Changes in Health:-

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1)Practice yoga. Yoga is a type of stretching and low-impact exercise which helps to relax the muscles in your body. Because you must focus on each yoga pose, your mind is left no room to contemplate stressors and is forced into a state of peace.
  • It is best to start yoga by taking a class. Yoga classes are made to create a state of relaxation, even though there may be many people present. Look for local instructors or classes at nearby gyms.
  • Hatha yoga is the most basic style of yoga and is great for relaxation. Look for hatha yoga poses that you can try yourself at home.
  • Avoid doing yoga if you have physical problems such as a HERNIATED DISC, osteoporosis, or you are at risk for blood clots.

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2)Drink lots of water. Water is important for keeping your body well hydrated and free of toxins, which helps your mind to focus better. To aid in other relaxation exercises, drink plenty of water.
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3)Eat foods that promote relaxation. Certain foods help to lower hormones linked to causing anxiety, while simultaneously raising hormones which are responsible for creating a sense of happiness and peace.
  • Foods high in selenium aid in lowering anxiety and depression, and include nuts (especially Brazil nuts), shiitake mushrooms, and tuna, cod, or salmon.
  • Eat foods that have a high magnesium content, such as spinach, pumpkin seeds, and halibut.
  • Look for foods with high tryptophan content, as this helps produce the chemical serotonin which increases happiness. Try dark chocolate, nuts, and red meat.
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4)Exercise moderately. Exercise is responsible for releasing endorphins, which in turn create a feeling of happiness. Try doing a little exercise every day to help relax your mind after dealing with a stress-filled schedule.
  • Exercise in places that are quiet or allow time for you to be alone. If you workout at your gym, find an area or room that is mostly deserted, so that you aren’t distracted by thoughts of things around you.
  • Try to find mindless repetitive exercises to participate in. This might include swimming or running laps.

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5)Participate in your favorite activities. If you love to cook, read, or play sports, do those things! Doing things you love will help you to clear your mind of anxiety, and will likely release more endorphins which cause happiness.

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Drink warm liquids. Hot drinks help to relieve tension and reduce stress. Look for hot drinks that lack caffeine and alcohol, as these can stimulate anxiety and depression.

  • GREEN TEA contains certain natural chemicals linked to reduced stress levels. Drink it hot or iced to get the peaceful benefits it provides.
  • Try drinking warm milk. This classic bed-time drink can help to soothe your troubled mind as it contains high levels of tryptophan, responsible for producing more serotonin in your brain. Warm milk in a saucepan with honey for a sweet relaxing treat.
  • If you choose to drink coffee to help you relax, find a decaffeinated version so as to not stimulate hyperactivity.
  • Avoid drinking anything with too much sugar, as this will stimulate your brain and make relaxing much more difficult.
