Website hosting is “the service providing space on the Internet for websites. When you make a website and want other people to see it, you will need to publish (or upload) it with a web hosting service” (midphase). This normally costs at least a few dollars a month, including a unique, personal domain name, unlimited bandwidth, unlimited storage, email accounts and usually a lot of extras. You can do it for free, however…
Free website hosting is possible for website hosting companies to support simply because your published website becomes an advertisement for all those who visit it (which can be a fair few in some cases). The companies don’t need to pay any commission at all to the website owner on sales which come from the visitors, because they supply the service is free. This makes it a great way for hosting companies to get cheap sales, which shouldn’t be considered a bad or disingenuous thing, because it allows anyone to host and build a website completely for free!
Of course, free website hosting is never going to be a featured or generous as paid website hosting, the companies will usually offer the bare minimum to get your site up and running. A few things which are normally included:
- A customizable subdomain of the hosting company’s website which you can publish to. It doesn’t look professional in the slightest (normally coming in the form of either ‘websitename.hostingcompany.com’ or ‘websitename.freewebsite.com’), which does nothing but tarnish the aesthetics and feel of every website it plagues with it’s cheap look. Some of the subdomains don’t look awful, and in a lot of cases, the look of the domain name won’t even matter to the user / visitors, for example, if someone is using the free service to practice their website development skills.
- A website editor of some sort. The best free services include Drag & Drop website designing suites, which have revolutionised website building - making it so easy even kids can now do it. Every person who has used a drag and drop website editor agrees it feels natural and fluid, it makes every change a user makes to the website very clear and manageable.