Composite data types:-
Each of the data types above accepts one number, one character, or one state.
Composite, or reference, data types consist of more than a single element.
Composite data types are of two kinds: classes and arrays.
Class and array names start with an upper case letter and are
camel-capitalized (that is, the first letter of each natural word is capitalized within the name,
for instance, NameOfClass).
A class is a complete and coherent piece of code that defines a logically unified set of objects and their behavior. For more information on classes,
see Chapter 6, “Object-oriented programming in Java.”
Any class can be used as a data type once it has been created and imported into the program. Because the String class is the class most often used as a data type,
we will focus on it in this chapter.
Each of the data types above accepts one number, one character, or one state.
Composite, or reference, data types consist of more than a single element.
Composite data types are of two kinds: classes and arrays.
Class and array names start with an upper case letter and are
camel-capitalized (that is, the first letter of each natural word is capitalized within the name,
for instance, NameOfClass).
A class is a complete and coherent piece of code that defines a logically unified set of objects and their behavior. For more information on classes,
see Chapter 6, “Object-oriented programming in Java.”
Any class can be used as a data type once it has been created and imported into the program. Because the String class is the class most often used as a data type,
we will focus on it in this chapter.