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Monday, December 8, 2014

BLOG Full Details


You’ve probably read blogs more than once, to be honest, your actually reading one now.
But let’s get back to the point. What exactly is a blog?
Blog is very similar to a website. I would say that blog is a diary/journal that is (mostly) maintained by one person – blogger. Usually, blogs are being updated quite often (once a day, once a week, once a month). Blogs can be private, but most of them are available on the internet for others to see.
Blogs have certain topics. My blog’s topic is “blogging” and “how to start one” – I’m helping beginners to start a blog, get more visitors and much more… BUT, it can also have several other topics. Bloggers are usually passionate about a specific topic thus they’ll create one.
Blog posts are the fundamental of a blog. Every blog on the internet consists of different blog posts written by the blogger. Blog posts can contain content (obviously!), videos, images, bullet-points, different headings and so on.
Blogs (and blog posts) can be shared on social networks (Twitter, FaceBook, Google+) and people can leave comments under the blog posts in order to start meaningful conversations.
Blogs can have a LOT of visitors. When your blog has enough posts and it starts to become popular, you’ll start receiving traffic from other sites, social networks and even from search engines.

Definitions that are tied with a blog

Blog (n.) – an online journal/diary that is available on the Internet.
Blogger (n.) – an individual who is the blog owner. Person who keeps the blog alive (posting new posts, sharing latest news, information, case-studies, opinions etc…)
Blog Post (n.) – An article or writing that is inside the blog. For example, the article you are currently reading is a “blog post” that is wrote for my blog.
Blog (v.) – to start a blog, to keep a blog, to find a blog – I’m going to find a blog about health and fitness.
Blogging (v.) – the action of maintaining/writing a blog – While blogging, I’m able to share information that I feel is important, helpful or interesting for others.

What professional bloggers think about blogs?

To make this post more compelling, I talked to 9 very popular bloggers who are doing well and asked them one simple question:
“What is a blog? Please explain it in 3-5 sentences”
As you will see, the answers are not the same that were produced by editors on Wikipedia or Harvard Law School.

blog history
