Trace Mobile Number Location & Missed Calls [India Only]
Jan 17, 2014in Android, Apple, Web
Suppose you got a Missed Call from +91-7509xxxxxx and you don’t know who is calling? If you would like to know from which city and state the call came from, then this post features some useful online services and mobile applications, which can help you trace the location of any number in India.
Web Based Trackers
1. trace.bharatiyamobile.com: As soon as you land on the main page of this site, enter the 10 digit number whose operator and state name you would like to know about. You will get your result like following screenshot:
Keep in mind, this website don’t show you possible city names, as a particular number can be purchased or activated from any city within an Indian state.
2. mobilenumbertracker.com: This service make use of Google Maps API and gives you interactive map based results, when you enter full 10 digits of any mobile number:
The site show you name of possible cities by means of green markers on the map. Click on any marker and you will be able to see details about the entered number.
Software Based Trackers
1. Android: If you are using an Android powered smartphone or tablet device, then I will highly suggest you to get this application developed byMobiSparks. Whenever someone calls you, the application displays following information on the call screen:
Number.Operator Name and Logo.State.Whether you have previously missed a call from this particular number.
In case you have completely missed a call, then you can also find above details in the notification area. When you tap on Last Incoming Call Details, you will see following information as well as options:
Number, State and Operator Name.Call the number.Send Text Message.Block number.Save number in your phone book.List of all previous incoming and outgoing calls with this number (if any).
The application is also capable of scanning all the recent calls that you have made or received. When you launch the application and go to its recent tab, you will see name and logo of telecom operator in front of every number:
It can also detect whether a particular caller used a mobile phone or a land line(fixed line) to call you!
If you go to contacts tab of this application, you can see name of state, phone type and operator logo for all contacts present in your phone book:
The application can also sort all the contacts present in your phone book by their location (state and country). When you tap on any state name, you will see a list of your contacts whose number belongs to that particular state:
The search number feature of this application tells you the name of state and mobile operator of any number that you enter in it:
All you need to do is to enter the first 4 digits (7509) OR all 10 digits (7509xxxxxx) OR STD Code of a number. If you would like to know the location of an international (ISD) number, then make sure you include a plus (+) sign with it.
If someone has changed his operator under Mobile Number Portability (MNP), then the application may give you incorrect information about the operator.While writing this post, the application only supports these international countries: USA, Canada, United Kingdom and China.The application is ad supported, but you can purchase an advertisement free version from here.
2. iOS: If you are using an Apple device viz iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad, then you can download and install this application from iTunes. Whenever you launch the application, it will ask you what number you would like to locate?:
Enter the number and tap on Locate button, and the application will show you all the possible (exact or nearby) cities on a map of India:
If you tap on any information icon, you will see the entered number, its state and operator name.
3. Other Platform: If you are looking for a number locator application for Windowsor Blackberry phone, then I will suggest you to search their respective marketplaces.
I don’t posses these devices, so I am unable to test the available applications for you. But, if you find a good application, feel free to share its name in the comments section below.
Important Note: Always download and install applications for your phone from official marketplaces only, unless you absolutely trust a third party website or developer.
Just after writing this post, I am receiving lots of emails every week, where the sender always asks me to:
Tell the current location of his stolen phone (screenshot).Give address and location details of some other individual. I even received some Emails where the sender wants to know the real location of a missing ORkidnapped (screenshot) ORcheating (screenshot) family member!
As you can see in above screenshots, in each and every email either the mobile number or IMEI Code is mentioned. In this update, I am going to clear some important things:
If you are assuming that you (or I) can easily get Name, Address, Physical Location and other Private Information of any person just by entering his number over various websites present on the Internet, then you are completely WRONG! It’s absolutely impossible for a common man to track any number and find its current location.
For Lost Phones
If your phone is lost or stolen, then immediately contact customer care of your telecom operator and ask them what to do?
If you want to block the number or would like to know its location, then the operator might ask you to lodge a FIR (First Information Report) complaint at your nearest Police station and may also ask you your phone’s IMEI Number sooner or later. Following are the ways to find the IMEI number of your phone after it’s gone:
1) Find the Box: The IMEI Number of any phone, no matter whether it is cheap or expensive, can be found on the price sticker pasted on the box:
2) Find the Bill: When you purchase a phone from a store, eBay or by various other available means, the retailer or the whole seller always mention its IMEI Number on the invoice:
Either find the box or the bill and you will probably get the IMEI number.
For getting GPS Location and other Personal details
No operator will ever give name, address or current geographical location of an individual to any internet website or a person, as it will be a complete breach of privacy.
Only police and certain government agencies can extract such information from operators, if it’s required by law.
Conclusion: If you are having some serious issue, then either contact your operator OR your nearest police station / lawyer. No website or person on the World Wide Web can help you. Try not to send your Phone or IMEI Number to any stranger on the web ever.
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